Helicopter Used In Rhino Capture For Conservation
Rhino Being Prepared For Transportation
Close Up Of Darted Rhino
Close Up Of DanInject Dart Used On Rhino
Mama Rhino Being Readied For Transportation
Cheetahs For Conservation’s (CCF) Dr. Flacke Darting Bella
CCF Veterinarian Dr. Gabriella Flacke With CCF Cheetah Husbandry Team Leader Juliette Erdtsieck And Sleeping Bella
The Cheetah Team With Bella – CCF Veterinary Nurse Rosie Glazier; Dr. Gabriella Flacke; Visiting Veterinarian From France, Dr. Mathieu Werts; Juliette Erdtsieck; And CCF Cheetah Release Supervisor Ryan Sucaet
Padme Undergoing Her Examination And Field Work-Up
Spotting a spectacled bear in Peru In Attempt To Put GPS Collar
Using Dan-Inject CO2 Pistol To Tranquilize Bear
These Are The First Spectacled Bears In Peru With GPS Collars Thanks To Dan-Inject Dart Guns!
Herbe Monroy Jacobo D.V.M, Carrrying Whitetailed Deer Out Of The Pen
Herbe Monroy Jacobo D.V.M, Waiting For The Deer To Settle Before He Can Dart It
Herbe Monroy Jacobo D.V.M, From Mexico, Getting Ready To Dart A Deer Using A Dan-Inject JM Standard
Herbe Monroy Jacobo D.V.M, Removing Dan-Inject Dart From Whitetailed Deer
Herbe Monroy Jacobo D.V.M, With Anesthetized Whitetailed Deer In Mexico
Herbe Monroy Jacobo D.V.M, Administering Medication To The Deer
this is a white-lipped peccary captured in the forest of Darien, one of the last place where the species still occurs in Panama. The capture is part of a larger project run by Yaguara Panama.
Bella Sporting A Colorful Dart In Her Rear
Close Up Of Bella With Dan-Inject Dart Gun Dart In Rear