Cascadia Research Collective Uses Dan-Inject Dart Guns

Scientists from Cascadia Research Collective prepare to deploy a satellite tracking tag to a short-finned pilot whale using a Dan-Inject JM Special 25. Research conducted under U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service Permit No. 731-1774. Photo by R.W. Baird

Scientists from Cascadia Research Collective prepare to deploy a satellite tracking tag to a short-finned pilot whale using a Dan-Inject JM Special 25. Research conducted under U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service Permit No. 731-1774. Photo by R.W. Baird

Cascadia Research is a non-profit, tax-exempt scientific and education organization based in Olympia, Washington, USA.

Founded in 1979 primarily to conduct research needed to manage and protect threatened marine mammals.

With projects ranging from checking the status of humpback whales to studying the diving behavior of beaked whales and other Hawaiian odontocetes, Cascadia Research is hard at work making sure that our oceans remain hospitable to the vast variety of oceanic life.

A tool used often by Cascadia Research Collective in their work is the Dan-Inject series of tranquilizer rifles and darts.

Recently, scientists from Cascadia Research Collective used the Dan-Inject JM Special 25 to tag short-finned pilot whales, false killer whales and fin whales, among other species. These whales are being tracked by satellite through research supported by the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service and other funding agencies.

Dan-Inject Dart Guns is proud to be a part of helping Cascadia Research and their scientists in their work to help preserve the integrity of our oceans.

Donations are accepted and welcome, and as recognized by the IRS under 501c3, are tax deductible.

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